
Module prelude

Expand description

Re-exports the default simulation types and traits.





  • Contains all events which can arise during the cell cycle and need to be communciated to the simulation engine (see also Cycle).
  • Error during decomposition of a SimulationDomain into multiple subdomains
  • Contains handling strategies for errors which can arise during the simulation process.
  • Covers all errors that can occur in this Simulation The errors are listed from very likely to be a user error from almost certainly an internal error.
  • Error related to storing and reading elements
  • The mode in which to generate paths and store results.
  • Define how to store results of the simulation.
  • A TimeEvent describes that a certain action is to be executed after the next iteration step.


  • Construct a BTreeMap of the type from a graph
  • Handles communications between different simulation processes.
  • Creates a new plotting root which can then be drawn upon.
  • This trait represents all cycles of a cell and works in tandem with the CycleEvent enum.
  • Used to construct initial (empty) AuxStorage variants.
  • Provides an abstraction of the physical total simulation domain.
  • Generate SubDomains from an existing Domain
  • Manage the current rng seed of a Domain
  • Handle any error which may occur as specified by SimulationError
  • Abstraction and simplification of many file-based storage solutions
  • FromMapchili
    Constructs a collection of Items from a map (graph)
  • Specifies how to retrieve a unique identifier of an object.
  • Trait describing force-interactions between cellular agents.
  • Setter and Getter for intracellular values of a cellagent.
  • Describes the position of a cell-agent and allows to calculate increments and set/get information of the agent.
  • Allows elements of the simulation such as cells and voxels to draw themselves onto a plotting root. Typically, voxels will draw first and cells afterwards.
  • Methods for accessing the position of an agent.
  • Describes purely intracellular reactions of a cellagent.
  • Reactions between cells which are in direct contact
  • This trait models extracellular reactions which interact with agents.
  • Assign an VoxelIndex to a given cell.
  • Provide methods to initialize, store and load single and multiple elements at iterations.
  • Handles loading of elements
  • Open or create a new instance of the Storage controller.
  • Handles storing of elements
  • Subdomains are produced by decomposing a Domain into multiple physical regions.
  • Apply a force on a cell depending on its position and velocity.
  • Apply boundary conditions to a cells position and velocity.
  • Describes extracellular reactions and fluid dynamics
  • Responsible for syncing the simulation between different threads.
  • Increments time of the simulation
  • Trait which describes how to store intermediate information on the cell cycle.
  • Interface to store intermediate information about interactions.
  • Used to store intermediate information about last positions and velocities. Can store up to N values.
  • Interface to store intermediate information about cellular reactions.
  • Used to update properties of the cell related to the ReactionsContact trait.
  • Methods for accessing the velocity of an agent
  • Mathematical abstraction similar to the well-known axpy method.


Type Aliases§

  • This is a unique identifier which is deterministic even in multi-threading situations. Its components are
  • Type alias used when not wanting to simulate any cellular reactions for example.

Derive Macros§