🔄 Cycle

The Cycle trait models the cell-cycle of an agent. It can not only alter the intracellular properties via the update_cycle method but is also capable of introducing a CycleEvent for division, death or removal through its return value. The divide method is responsible for performing the instant action of dividing one cellular agent. Any preceding operations such as changes in size or shape before this instant need to be modeled by other methods such as update_cycle. The update_conditional_phased_death method provides an easy way to perform a transition between a state in which the cell is alive and one where the cell is removed. This means in particular that the cell continues to be present as long as the update_conditional_phased_death method returns Ok(false).

cellular_raza does currently not provide any building blocks related to the Cycle concept. This is due to the reason that changes in the cell-cycle often affect the whole cell and thus require knowledge about its definition and internals. For this reason, the Cycle trait will almost always be needed to be manually implemented.


The following examples contain implementations of the Cycle trait