💥 Mechanics

The Mechanics and SubDomainMechanics traits specify the physical representation of cellular agents inside the simulation domain. The traits act on 3 distinct types for position, velocity and forces acting on the cell-agents. In many examples, these types are identical. The subdomain trait is responsible for keeping cell-agents inside the specified simulation domain.

Difference to Interaction concept

To describe physical interactions between cells when in proximity of each other, we also provide the Interaction concept. In contrast, the Mechanics concepts is only concerned with the physical representation and physical motion of one cell on its own. Although these two concepts seem to be similar in nature, it can be benefitial to separate them not only conceptually but also for practical reasons. For example we can seamlessly change between the Brownian3D and Langevin3D struct without having to alter the currently used Interaction type (if present).


A wide variety of cellular repesentations can be realized by this trait. cellular_raza provides some of them in its cellular_raza_building_blocks crate.

Point-like Particles

To illustrate how the Mechanics concept works, we take alook at the most simple representation as point-like particles. In this case, cells are described by a postion and velocity vector of $n$ (typically $n=2,3$) dimensions which we will call VectorN for simplicity. $$ \vec{x} = \begin{bmatrix} x_1\\ x_2\\ \vdots\\ x_n \end{bmatrix} \hspace{1cm} \vec{v} = \begin{bmatrix} v_1\\ v_2\\ \vdots\\ v_n \end{bmatrix} $$ A third type is also of importance which describes the force acting on the cell. In our case we can assume the same form as before $$ \vec{F} = \begin{bmatrix} F_1\\ F_2\\ \vdots\\ F_n \end{bmatrix}. $$ The solver of the chosen backend must be told how to increment position and velocity of the cell. This is done by the calculate_increment function.

fn calculate_increment(&self, force: For) -> Result<(Pos, Vel), CalcError> {
    // Do some calculations
    // Return increments

Even for simple point-like particles, we have a variety of options. If we assume simple newtonian dynamics without any additional stochastic effects, we can write down the equations of motion $$\begin{align} \dot{\vec{x}} &= \vec{v}\\ \dot{\vec{v}} &= \frac{1}{m}\vec{F}. \end{align}$$ Note that we assume that our cell has a certain mass, which may also be set to $m=1$ and thus neglected in some implementations.

struct MyCell {
    pos: VectorN,
    vel: VectorN,
    mass: f64,

The Mechanics trait interoperates very closesly with the Position and Velocity traits which provide setters and getters If we implement the properties explained by the preceding equations, we obtain

impl Position<VectorN> for MyCell {
    fn pos(&self) -> VectorN {

    fn set_pos(&mut self, pos: &VectorN) {
        self.pos = pos.clone();

impl Velocity<VectorN> for MyCell {
    fn velocity(&self) -> VectorN {

    fn set_velocity(&mut self, velocity: &VectorN) {
        self.vel = velocity.clone();

// Here is the magic
impl Mechanics<VectorN, VectorN, VectorN> for MyCell {
    fn calculate_increment(
        force: VectorN
    ) -> Result<(VectorN, VectorN), CalcError> {
        let dx = self.vel();
        let dv = 1.0/self.mass * force;
        Ok((dx, dv))

If the user decides to leave out the Interaction concept, we will assume a force of zero as specified by the num::Zero trait when numerically solving the equations.